2020. december 14., hétfő

CMM - Bon Jovi, Jennifer Nettles: Do What You Can

A 2020-as év fő témája, a világjárvány, számos zenészt megihletett és a helyzetre reagálva több nóta is született. Ezek közül akad néhány, amely country zenei alapokra épül, elég csak a Tankcsapda Szüless meg újra című dalára gondolni. Nem a Tankcsapda azonban az egyetlen rockbanda, aki a country zenét választotta a pandémiáról szóló dalának zenei alapjául. Bon Jovi is pontosan így tett. A több évtizedes rockzenei múlttal bíró zenésznek ráadásul nem is ez az első kirándulása a country világába, hiszen 14 éve már készített egy country duettet a Sugarland énekesnőjével, Jennifer Nettles-szel, Who Says You Can't Go Home címmel, ami akkor a slágerlisták élére került és azóta is rendszeresen játszák az amerikai country rádiók. Most ismét összeálltak és a páros legújabb nótája a Do What You Can, azaz Tedd meg, amit tudsz, fontos üzenetet fogalmaz meg arról, mit kellene tennünk a világjárvány idején.

Do What You Can


Tonight they're shutting down the borders
And they boarded up the schools
Small towns are rolling up their sidewalks
One last paycheck coming through
I know you're feeling kind of nervous
We're all a little bit confused
Nothing's the same, this ain't a game
We gotta make it through


As we wave outside the window
Older loved ones stay inside
Moms and babies blowing kisses
May be saving someone's life
They had to cancel graduation
It ain't fair to Skype the prom
Our kids sit home in isolation
TV news is always on


When you can't do what you do
You do what you can
This ain't my prayer, it's just a thought
I'm wanting to send
'Round here, we bend but don't break
Down here, we all understand
When you can't do what you do
You do what you can


The chicken farm from Arkansas
Bought workers PPE
Not before 500 more
Had succumbed to this disease
Honest men and honest women
Working for an honest wage
I got a hundred point one fever
And we still got bills to pay


When you can't do what you do
You do what you can
This ain't my prayer, it's just a thought
I'm wanting to send
'Round here, we bend but don't break
Down here, we all understand
When you can't do what you do
You do what you can


They built a hospital on East Meadow
In Central Park last night
Doctors, nurses, truckers, grocery store
Clerks manning the front lines
I saw a Red Cross on the Hudson
They turned off the Broadway lights
Another ambulance screams by (screams by)
If by the grace of God, go I


Although I'll keep my social distance
What this world needs is a hug
Until we find the vaccination
There's no substitute for love
So love yourself and love your family
Love your neighbor and your friend
Ain't it time we loved the stranger
They're just a friend you ain't met yet


When you can't do what you do
You do what you can (do what you can)
This ain't my prayer, it's just a thought
I'm wanting to send
'Round here, we bend but don't break
Down here, we all understand
When you can't do what you do
You do what you can
When you can't do what you do
You do what you can


Dalszerző: Jon Bon Jovi